Specifies the types of a body.
public enum BodyType
BuildingBlock = 12
Body of a building block.
Comment = 3
Body of a comment.
Endnote = 8
Body of an endnote.
EndnoteContinuationNotice = 11
Body of endnote continuation notice.
EndnoteContinuationSeparator = 10
Body of endnote continuation separator.
EndnoteSeparator = 9
Body of endnote separator.
Body of a section footer.
Footnote = 4
Body of a footnote.
FootnoteContinuationNotice = 7
Body of footnote continuation notice.
FootnoteContinuationSeparator = 6
Body of footnote continuation separator.
FootnoteSeparator = 5
Body of footnote separator.
Header = 1
Body of a section header.
Main = 0
Body of the main document part.