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Breaking Changes

  • GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.TimeStamp.HashDelegate declaration changed to HashDelegate(byte[] dataToHash, Stream streamToHash, out byte[] hash, out OID hashAlgorithmOid).

New Features and Improvements

  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Layers.ViewState class which represents the view state of a PDF document. Allows specifying visible layers, current zoom and other transient info when exporting PDFs to images, searching for text etc.
  • Added GcPdfDocument.SavingDocument event which is fired periodically when the document is being saved or exported. It can be used to implement a progress indicator.
  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Security.DocumentSecurityStore class which represents a Document Security Store (DSS). It holds information that can be used to verify signatures offline.
  • Added GcPdfDocument.SecurityStore property which gets the DocumentSecurityStore object associated with this document. It enables support for PAdES B-LT, B-LTA and LTV enabled signatures.
  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.TimeStampProperties class which represents properties used to time stamp a PDF document.
  • Added GcPdfDocument.TimeStamp() methods which add a document time stamp and save the current document to a file or stream.
  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Page.SaveAsSvg() methods which save the current page to a stream of file in SVG format.
  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Page.ToSvgz() method which saves the page to a byte array in SVGZ format.