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Enum SvgUnicodeBidi


Allows creating scopes within the unicode bidi algorithm, and to override the intrinsic directionality of text.

public enum SvgUnicodeBidi


BidiOverride = 3

The box acts like a directional embedding in the bidirectional algorithm, except that reordering within it is strictly in sequence according to the direction property; the implicit part of the bidirectional algorithm is ignored.

Embed = 1

Creates a directional embedding by opening an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm.

Isolate = 2

Neither is the content inside the box bidi-affected by the content surrounding the box, nor is the content surrounding the box bidi-affected by the content or specified directionality of the box.

IsolateOverride = 4

The box nests a directional override inside an isolated sequence.

Normal = 0

The box does not open an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm.

Plaintext = 5

The base directionality of each of isolated sequences is determined by the heuristic of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.