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Interface ITextAnalysisSink



public interface ITextAnalysisSink : ICallbackable, IDisposable
Inherited Members


SetBidiLevel(int, int, byte, byte)

Sets a bidirectional level on the range, which is called once per run change (either explicit or resolved implicit).

void SetBidiLevel(int textPosition, int textLength, byte explicitLevel, byte resolvedLevel)


textPosition int

The starting position from which to report.

textLength int

The number of UTF16 units of the reported range.

explicitLevel byte

The explicit level from the paragraph reading direction and any embedded control codes RLE/RLO/LRE/LRO/PDF, which is determined before any additional rules.

resolvedLevel byte

The final implicit level considering the explicit level and characters' natural directionality, after all Bidi rules have been applied.

SetLineBreakpoints(int, int, LineBreakpoint[])

Sets line-break opportunities for each character, starting from the specified position.

void SetLineBreakpoints(int textPosition, int textLength, LineBreakpoint[] lineBreakpoints)


textPosition int

The starting text position from which to report.

textLength int

The number of UTF16 units of the reported range.

lineBreakpoints LineBreakpoint[]

A reference to a structure that contains breaking conditions set for each character from the starting position to the end of the specified range.

SetNumberSubstitution(int, int, NumberSubstitution)

Sets the number substitution on the text range affected by the text analysis.

void SetNumberSubstitution(int textPosition, int textLength, NumberSubstitution numberSubstitution)


textPosition int

The starting position from which to report.

textLength int

The number of UTF16 units of the reported range.

numberSubstitution NumberSubstitution

An object that holds the appropriate digits and numeric punctuation for a given locale. Use CreateNumberSubstitution(NumberSubstitutionMethod, string, Bool) to create this object.

SetScriptAnalysis(int, int, ScriptAnalysis)

Reports script analysis for the specified text range.

void SetScriptAnalysis(int textPosition, int textLength, ScriptAnalysis scriptAnalysis)


textPosition int

The starting position from which to report.

textLength int

The number of UTF16 units of the reported range.

scriptAnalysis ScriptAnalysis

A reference to a structure that contains a zero-based index representation of a writing system script and a value indicating whether additional shaping of text is required.