Specifies a set of UTF-32 characters (code points).
public class Utf32CodeSet
Initializes an instance of the Utf32CodeSet.
public Utf32CodeSet()
Initializes an instance of the Utf32CodeSet.
public Utf32CodeSet(params UnicodeBlock[] unicodeBlocks)
UnicodeBlock[]An array of named Unicode blocks.
Initializes an instance of the Utf32CodeSet.
public Utf32CodeSet(params int[] firstLastCodes)
int[]Pairs of the first and last UTF-32 characters forming intervals to append.
Gets the list of intervals.
public List<Utf32Interval> Intervals { get; }
Appends a named range of Unicode characters.
public Utf32CodeSet Append(UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock)
UnicodeBlockThe named range of Unicode characters.
The current instance of Utf32CodeSet.
Appends several named ranges of Unicode characters.
public Utf32CodeSet Append(params UnicodeBlock[] unicodeBlocks)
UnicodeBlock[]An array of Unicode blocks to append.
The current instance of Utf32CodeSet.
Appends an interval of UTF-32 characters (code points).
public Utf32CodeSet Append(int firstCode, int lastCode)
intThe first UTF-32 character (code point) of the interval.
intThe last UTF-32 character (code point) of the interval.
The current instance of Utf32CodeSet.
Excludes a named range of Unicode characters.
public Utf32CodeSet Exclude(UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock)
UnicodeBlockThe named range of Unicode characters.
The current instance of Utf32CodeSet.
Excludes several named ranges of Unicode characters.
public Utf32CodeSet Exclude(params UnicodeBlock[] unicodeBlocks)
UnicodeBlock[]An array of Unicode blocks to exclude.
The current instance of Utf32CodeSet.
Excludes an interval of UTF-32 characters (code points).
public Utf32CodeSet Exclude(int firstCode, int lastCode)
intThe first UTF-32 character (code point) of the interval.
intThe last UTF-32 character (code point) of the interval.
The current instance of Utf32CodeSet.
Returns the first and last code points of a named range of Unicode characters.
public static (int, int) GetInterval(UnicodeBlock unicodeBlock)
UnicodeBlockThe named range of Unicode characters.
The first and last code points.
Returns a named range of Unicode characters for the specified UTF-32 character (code point).
public static UnicodeBlock GetUnicodeBlock(int codePoint)
intThe UTF-32 character (code point).
The named range.
Creates a HashSet with the current set of codes.
public HashSet<int> ToHashSet()