The System.IO.BinaryReader with some additional functionality.
public class GcBinaryReader : BinaryReader, IDisposable
Initializes a new instance of the GcBinaryReader class.
public GcBinaryReader(Stream baseStream, Encoding encoding, bool leaveOpen)
System.IO.StreamThe underlying System.IO.Stream object.
System.Text.EncodingThe encoding used for strings.
booltrue to leave the stream open after the GcBinaryReader object is disposed; otherwise, false.
Reads 32 int in compressed form.
public int Read7BitEncodedInt()
Reads enum value.
public T ReadEnum<T>() where T : struct
Reads nullable enum value.
public T? ReadNullableEnum<T>() where T : struct
Reads a nullable int value.
public int? ReadNullableInt()
Reads a string, written to the stream using the WriteNullableString(string) method.
public string ReadNullableString()