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Quick Start

The following quick start section helps you in getting started with the GcExcel library:


Follow the below steps to create a simple .NET Core Console application:

Step 1: Create a new Console App (.NET Core)

  1. In Visual Studio, select File | New | Project to create a new ASP.NET Core Console Application.

  2. From the 'New Project' dialog, select Installed | Visual C# | .NET Core | Console App (.NET Core), and click OK.

  3. Add the GcExcel .NET references to the project. In the Solution Explorer, right click Dependencies and select Manage NuGet Packages. In NuGet Package Manager, select nuget.org as the Package source. Search for 'GcDocs', select GcDocs.Excel, and click Install.


Step 2: Create and save a new workbook

  1. In Program.cs, include the following namespaceusing Grapecity.Documents.Excel;

  2. Create a new workbook using the Workbook class, add a new worksheet to it and save the workbook using the Save method of workbook class.

    Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); 
    workbook.Worksheets[0].Range["A1"].Value = "Hello Word!"; 

Step 3: Build and Run the Project

  1. Click Build | Build Solution to build the project.

  2. Press F5 to run the project.

  3. Once the project is executed, a console window is displayed and HelloWord.xlsx file is created at the specified location.

Follow the below steps to create a simple .NET Core MVC Application:


Step 1: Create a new Web Application (.NET Core)

  1. In Visual Studio, select File | New | Project to create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application.

  2. From the 'New Project' dialog, select Installed | Visual C# | .NET Core | ASP.NET Core Web Application, and click OK.

  3. In the 'New ASP.NET Core Web Application(.NET Core)' dialog, select Web Application (Model-View-Controller), and click OK.

  4. Add the GcExcel .NET references to the project. In the Solution Explorer, right click Dependencies and select Manage NuGet Packages. In NuGet Package Manager, select nuget.org as the Package source. Search for 'GcDocs', select GcDocs.Excel, and click Install.


Step 2: Add a Controller

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right click the folder Controllers.

  2. From the context menu, select Add | Controller. The Add Scaffold dialog appears.

  3. Complete the following steps in the Add Scaffold dialog:

    • Select MVC Controller-Empty and click Add.

    • Set name of the MVC controller (For example: GcExcelController) and click Add.

  4. Add the GcExcel reference in Controller file:using GrapeCity.Documents.Excel;

  5. In the Index() method of the Controller, add the following code:

    public IActionResult Index()
                Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
                workbook.Worksheets[0].Range["A1"].Value = "Hello Word!";                  
                return View();        

A new Controller is added to the application within the folder Controllers.

Step 3: Add a View

  1. From the Solution Explorer, right click the folder Views and select Add | New Folder.

  2. Name the new folder. Provide the same name as the name of your controller, minus the suffix Controller (in our example: GcExcel).

  3. Right click the folder GcExcel, and select Add | View. The Add MVC View dialog appears.

  4. Complete the following steps in the Add MVC View dialog:

    • Set View name same as the Action name, Index (for example: Index.cshtml).

    • Click Add.

  5. Replace the code in Index.cshtml file with below:

    ViewData["Title"] = "Documents for Excel, .Net Edition";
    onload = function () {
       alert("File Saved: HelloWord.xlsx");

Step 4: Build and Run the Project

  1. Click Build | Build Solution to build the project.

  2. Press F5 to run the project.

  3. Once the project is executed, access the URL: [http://localhost:1234/GcExcel/Index] to generate the Excel file. An alert box is displayed and HelloWord.xlsx file is created at the specified location.