接口 IControl

IButton, ICellLinkControl, ICellLinkControlT<T>, ICheckBox, IContentControl, IControlT<T>, IDropDown, IGroupBox, ILabel, IListBox, IOptionButton, IRangeBase, IScrollBar, ISelector, ISelectorT<T,TCollection>, ISpinner

public interface IControl
The base of form controls.
  • 方法概要

    Change z-index of this control to front.
    Remove this control from parent.
    Gets the bottom right cell of this control.
    Indicates whether the control is enabled.
    Returns the form control type of this control.
    The height of this control.
    The left margin of this control.
    Indicates whether the control is locked.
    Gets the name of this control.
    The parent object, typically IWorksheet.
    Gets or sets the way a control is attached to its underlying cells.
    Indicates whether the control will be printed.
    The shapes of this control.
    The top margin of this control.
    Gets the top left cell of this control.
    Indicates whether the control is visible.
    The width of this control.
    The z-index of this control.
    Send the Z-Index to back.
    setEnabled(boolean value)
    Indicates whether the control is enabled.
    setHeight(double value)
    The height of this control.
    setLeft(double value)
    The left margin of this control.
    setLocked(boolean value)
    Indicates whether the control is locked.
    setName(String value)
    Sets the name of this control.
    Gets or sets the way a control is attached to its underlying cells.
    setPrintObject(boolean value)
    Indicates whether the control will be printed.
    setTop(double value)
    The top margin of this control.
    setVisible(boolean value)
    Indicates whether the control is visible.
    setWidth(double value)
    The height of this control.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getParent

      Object getParent()
      The parent object, typically IWorksheet. In some cases, the type of this property is IControl.
    • getFormControlType

      FormControlType getFormControlType()
      Returns the form control type of this control.
    • getEnabled

      boolean getEnabled()
      Indicates whether the control is enabled.
      API Note:
      Not supported by the *.ssjson format.
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(boolean value)
      Indicates whether the control is enabled.
      API Note:
      Not supported by the *.ssjson format.
    • getHeight

      double getHeight()
      The height of this control.
    • setHeight

      void setHeight(double value)
      The height of this control.
    • getLeft

      double getLeft()
      The left margin of this control.
    • setLeft

      void setLeft(double value)
      The left margin of this control.
    • getLocked

      boolean getLocked()
      Indicates whether the control is locked.
      API Note:
      Not supported by the *.ssjson format.
    • setLocked

      void setLocked(boolean value)
      Indicates whether the control is locked.
      API Note:
      Not supported by the *.ssjson format.
    • getPlacement

      Placement getPlacement()
      Gets or sets the way a control is attached to its underlying cells.
    • setPlacement

      void setPlacement(Placement value)
      Gets or sets the way a control is attached to its underlying cells.
    • getPrintObject

      boolean getPrintObject()
      Indicates whether the control will be printed.
    • setPrintObject

      void setPrintObject(boolean value)
      Indicates whether the control will be printed.
    • getTop

      double getTop()
      The top margin of this control.
    • setTop

      void setTop(double value)
      The top margin of this control.
    • getVisible

      boolean getVisible()
      Indicates whether the control is visible.
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean value)
      Indicates whether the control is visible.
    • getWidth

      double getWidth()
      The width of this control.
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(double value)
      The height of this control.
    • getZOrder

      int getZOrder()
      The z-index of this control.
    • getShapeRange

      IShapeRange getShapeRange()
      The shapes of this control.
    • bringToFront

      boolean bringToFront()
      Change z-index of this control to front.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Remove this control from parent.
    • sendToBack

      boolean sendToBack()
      Send the Z-Index to back.
      Returns true if succeed.
    • getBottomRightCell

      IRange getBottomRightCell()
      Gets the bottom right cell of this control.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the name of this control.
    • setName

      void setName(String value)
      Sets the name of this control.
    • getTopLeftCell

      IRange getTopLeftCell()
      Gets the top left cell of this control.