接口 IColorFormat

public interface IColorFormat
Represents the color of a one-color object, the color of an object with a gradient or patterned fill, or the pointer color.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getBrightness

      double getBrightness()
      Gets the luminosity of the specified object.
    • setBrightness

      void setBrightness(double value)
      Sets the luminosity of the specified object.
    • getObjectThemeColor

      ThemeColor getObjectThemeColor()
      Gets a color that is mapped to the theme color scheme.
    • setObjectThemeColor

      void setObjectThemeColor(ThemeColor value)
      Sets a color that is mapped to the theme color scheme.
    • getRGB

      Color getRGB()
      Gets the Color object.
    • setRGB

      void setRGB(Color value)
      Sets the Color object.
    • getTintAndShade

      double getTintAndShade()
      Gets the color of a color object as an index in the current color scheme.
    • setTintAndShade

      void setTintAndShade(double value)
      Sets the color of a color object as an index in the current color scheme.
    • getColorType

      SolidColorType getColorType()
      Gets the color type.
    • setColorType

      void setColorType(SolidColorType value)
      Sets the color type.