类 HtmlSaveOptions


public class HtmlSaveOptions extends SaveOptionsBase
Option class for saving html file.
  • 构造器详细资料

    • HtmlSaveOptions

      public HtmlSaveOptions()
      Creates options for saving html file.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getAddTooltipText

      public final boolean getAddTooltipText()
      Gets whether adding tooltip text when the data can't be fully displayed. The default value is false.
    • setAddTooltipText

      public final void setAddTooltipText(boolean value)
      Sets whether adding tooltip text when the data can't be fully displayed.
    • getExportFileName

      public final String getExportFileName()
      Gets the name of the html file. Only for saving to zip stream, and the default value is "workbook".
    • setExportFileName

      public final void setExportFileName(String value)
      Sets the name of the html file. Only for saving to zip stream.
    • getAttachedFilesUrlPrefix

      public final String getAttachedFilesUrlPrefix()
      Gets the Url prefix of attached files such as image in the html file.
    • setAttachedFilesUrlPrefix

      public final void setAttachedFilesUrlPrefix(String value)
      Sets the Url prefix of attached files such as image in the html file.
    • getCellCssPrefix

      public final String getCellCssPrefix()
      Gets the prefix of the css name, the default value is null.
    • setCellCssPrefix

      public final void setCellCssPrefix(String value)
      Sets the prefix of the css name.
    • getEncoding

      public final String getEncoding()
      Gets encoding. If not set, use utf-8 as default value.
    • setEncoding

      public final void setEncoding(String value)
      Sets encoding. If not set, use utf-8 as default value.
    • getExportDocumentProperties

      public final boolean getExportDocumentProperties()
      Gets whether exporting document properties. The default value is true.
    • setExportDocumentProperties

      public final void setExportDocumentProperties(boolean value)
      Sets whether exporting document properties.
    • getExportGridlines

      public final boolean getExportGridlines()
      Gets whether exporting the gridlines. The default value is false.
    • setExportGridlines

      public final void setExportGridlines(boolean value)
      Sets whether exporting the gridlines.
    • getExportHeadings

      public final boolean getExportHeadings()
      Gets whether exporting headings when saving file to html. The default value is false.
    • setExportHeadings

      public final void setExportHeadings(boolean value)
      Sets whether exporting headings when saving file to html.
    • getExportHiddenWorksheet

      public final boolean getExportHiddenWorksheet()
      Gets whether exporting headings when saving file to html. The default value is false.
    • setExportHiddenWorksheet

      public final void setExportHiddenWorksheet(boolean value)
      Sets whether exporting headings when saving file to html.
    • getExportImageAsBase64

      public final boolean getExportImageAsBase64()
      Gets whether images are saved in Base64 format to html. The default value is false.
    • setExportImageAsBase64

      public final void setExportImageAsBase64(boolean value)
      Sets whether images are saved in Base64 format to html. When this property is set to true image data is exported directly on the img elements and separate files are not created.
    • getExportCssSeparately

      public final boolean getExportCssSeparately()
      Gets whether export the worksheet style to css separately. The default value is true.
    • setExportCssSeparately

      public final void setExportCssSeparately(boolean value)
      Sets whether export the worksheet style to css separately. When this property is set to false. Css style data is exported directly to each worksheet and separate stylesheet.css file are not created.
    • getExportSingleTab

      public final boolean getExportSingleTab()
      Gets whether exporting the single tab when the file only has one worksheet or ExportSheetName is set. The default value is false.
    • setExportSingleTab

      public final void setExportSingleTab(boolean value)
      Sets whether exporting the single tab when the file only has one worksheet or ExportSheetName is set.
    • getIsExportComments

      public final boolean getIsExportComments()
      Gets if exporting comments when saving file to html. The default value is false.
    • setIsExportComments

      public final void setIsExportComments(boolean value)
      Sets if exporting comments when saving file to html.
    • getIsFullPathLink

      public final boolean getIsFullPathLink()
      Gets whether using full path link in html. Only for exporting to html file. The default value is false.
    • setIsFullPathLink

      public final void setIsFullPathLink(boolean value)
      Sets whether using full path link in html. Only for exporting to html file.
    • getLinkTargetType

      public final HyperLinkTargetType getLinkTargetType()
      Gets the type of target attribute in <a> link.The default value is HyperLinkTargetType.Blank.
    • setLinkTargetType

      public final void setLinkTargetType(HyperLinkTargetType value)
      Sets the type of target attribute in <a> link.
    • getPageTitle

      public final String getPageTitle()
      Gets the title of the html page.
    • setPageTitle

      public final void setPageTitle(String value)
      Sets the title of the html page.
    • getTableCssId

      public final String getTableCssId()
      Gets the prefix of the type css name such as tr, td and so on, they are contained in the table element which has the specific TableCssId attribute. The default value is null.
    • setTableCssId

      public final void setTableCssId(String value)
      Sets the prefix of the type css name such as tr, td and so on, they are contained in the table element which has the specific TableCssId attribute.
    • getIsWidthScalable

      public final boolean getIsWidthScalable()
      Gets whether using scalable unit to describe the column width when exporting file to html. The default value is false.
    • setIsWidthScalable

      public final void setIsWidthScalable(boolean value)
      Sets whether using scalable unit to describe the column width when exporting file to html.
    • getExportSheetName

      public final String getExportSheetName()
      Gets which worksheet would be exported to html. This is used for exporting specific worksheet of workbook.
    • setExportSheetName

      public final void setExportSheetName(String value)
      Sets which worksheet would be exported to html. This is used for exporting specific worksheet of workbook.
    • getExportArea

      public final String getExportArea()
      Gets which area would be exported to html. This is used for exporting specific area of worksheet. Only take effect when HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSheetName is not null.
    • setExportArea

      public final void setExportArea(String value)
      Sets which area would be exported to html. This is used for exporting specific area of worksheet. Only take effect when HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSheetName is not null.