类 SerializationOptions


public class SerializationOptions extends Object
Represents some settings when serialize workbook or worksheet to JSON.
  • 构造器详细资料

    • SerializationOptions

      public SerializationOptions()
  • 方法详细资料

    • getIgnoreStyle

      public boolean getIgnoreStyle()
      Gets whether to ignore the style when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is false.
    • setIgnoreStyle

      public void setIgnoreStyle(boolean value)
      Sets whether to ignore the style when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is false.
    • getIgnoreFormula

      public boolean getIgnoreFormula()
      Gets whether to ignore the formula when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is false.
    • setIgnoreFormula

      public void setIgnoreFormula(boolean value)
      Sets whether to ignore the formula when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is false.
    • getIgnoreColumnRowInfoOutOfUsedRange

      public boolean getIgnoreColumnRowInfoOutOfUsedRange()
      Gets whether to ignore below information which is out of used range when exporting to JSON file. Default value is true. - row style - column style - row height - column width
    • setIgnoreColumnRowInfoOutOfUsedRange

      public void setIgnoreColumnRowInfoOutOfUsedRange(boolean value)
      Sets whether to ignore below information which is out of used range when exporting to JSON file. Default value is true. - row style - column style - row height - column width
    • getIgnoreSheets

      public boolean getIgnoreSheets()
      Gets whether to ignore the sheets when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is false.
    • setIgnoreSheets

      public void setIgnoreSheets(boolean value)
      Sets whether to ignore the sheets when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is false.
    • getIgnoreRangeOutOfRowColumnCount

      public boolean getIgnoreRangeOutOfRowColumnCount()
      Gets whether to ignore data out of the RowCount and ColumnCount when exporting to JSON. Default value is false.
      the value if ignore range out of row/column count
    • setIgnoreRangeOutOfRowColumnCount

      public void setIgnoreRangeOutOfRowColumnCount(boolean value)
      Sets whether to ignore data out of the RowCount and ColumnCount when exporting to JSON. Default value is false.
      value - the value if ignore range out of row/column count
    • getExportSharedFormula

      public boolean getExportSharedFormula()
      Gets whether to export shared formula when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is true.
    • setExportSharedFormula

      public void setExportSharedFormula(boolean value)
      Sets whether to export shared formula when serialize the workbook or worksheet to JSON. Default value is true.