类 PdfSaveOptions


public class PdfSaveOptions extends SaveOptionsBase
Option class for saving csv file.
  • 构造器详细资料

    • PdfSaveOptions

      public PdfSaveOptions()
  • 方法详细资料

    • getPrintBackgroundPicture

      public boolean getPrintBackgroundPicture()
      Returns if the sheet's background image is printed on the page.
    • setPrintBackgroundPicture

      public void setPrintBackgroundPicture(boolean value)
      Sets if the sheet's background image is printed on the page.
    • getPrintTransparentCell

      public boolean getPrintTransparentCell()
      Returns if the transparency of the cell's background color is printed on the page.
    • setPrintTransparentCell

      public void setPrintTransparentCell(boolean value)
      Sets if the transparency of the cell's background color is printed on the page.
    • getShrinkToFitSettings

      public IShrinkToFitSettings getShrinkToFitSettings()
      The settings about performing shrink to fit on the wrapped text.
    • getDocumentProperties

      public DocumentProperties getDocumentProperties()
      Gets the document properties of pdf.
    • setDocumentProperties

      public void setDocumentProperties(DocumentProperties value)
      Sets the document properties of pdf.
    • getOpenActionScript

      public String getOpenActionScript()
      Get the JavaScript to be execute when the saved PDF file is opened.
    • setOpenActionScript

      public void setOpenActionScript(String openActionScript)
      Set the JavaScript to be execute when the saved PDF file is opened.
      openActionScript -
    • getSecurityOptions

      public PdfSecurityOptions getSecurityOptions()
      Gets the the security settings of pdf.
    • setSecurityOptions

      public void setSecurityOptions(PdfSecurityOptions value)
      Sets the the security settings of pdf.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString 在类中 Object