接口 ISignatureSetup

public interface ISignatureSetup
Represents the information used to set up a signature packet.
  • 方法概要

    Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the signer can enter comments in the Sign dialog box.
    Gets the ID of the signature for a document.
    Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the date the document was signed should be displayed.
    Gets or sets the instructions for signing the document.
    Gets or sets the name of the principle signer of the document.
    Gets or sets the email address of the signer of the document.
    Gets or sets the second line of suggested signer information (for example, title).
    setAllowComments(boolean value)
    Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the signer can enter comments in the Sign dialog box.
    setShowSignDate(boolean value)
    Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the date the document was signed should be displayed.
    Gets or sets the instructions for signing the document.
    Gets or sets the name of the principle signer of the document.
    Gets or sets the email address of the signer of the document.
    Gets or sets the second line of suggested signer information (for example, title).
  • 方法详细资料

    • getAllowComments

      boolean getAllowComments()
      Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the signer can enter comments in the Sign dialog box. Read/write.
    • setAllowComments

      void setAllowComments(boolean value)
      Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the signer can enter comments in the Sign dialog box. Read/write.
    • getId

      UUID getId()
      Gets the ID of the signature for a document.
    • getShowSignDate

      boolean getShowSignDate()
      Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the date the document was signed should be displayed. Read/write.
    • setShowSignDate

      void setShowSignDate(boolean value)
      Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the date the document was signed should be displayed. Read/write.
    • getSigningInstructions

      String getSigningInstructions()
      Gets or sets the instructions for signing the document. Read/write.
    • setSigningInstructions

      void setSigningInstructions(String value)
      Gets or sets the instructions for signing the document. Read/write.
    • getSuggestedSigner

      String getSuggestedSigner()
      Gets or sets the name of the principle signer of the document. Read/write.
    • setSuggestedSigner

      void setSuggestedSigner(String value)
      Gets or sets the name of the principle signer of the document. Read/write.
    • getSuggestedSignerEmail

      String getSuggestedSignerEmail()
      Gets or sets the email address of the signer of the document. Read/write.
    • setSuggestedSignerEmail

      void setSuggestedSignerEmail(String value)
      Gets or sets the email address of the signer of the document. Read/write.
    • getSuggestedSignerLine2

      String getSuggestedSignerLine2()
      Gets or sets the second line of suggested signer information (for example, title). Read/write.
    • setSuggestedSignerLine2

      void setSuggestedSignerLine2(String value)
      Gets or sets the second line of suggested signer information (for example, title). Read/write.