接口 IPane

public interface IPane
Worksheet pane.
  • 方法概要

    Activates the pane.
    Returns a int value that represents the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects.
    Returns the number of the leftmost column in the pane or worksheet.
    Returns the number of the row that appears at the top of the pane or worksheet.
    setScrollColumn(int value)
    Sets the number of the leftmost column in the pane or worksheet.
    setScrollRow(int value)
    Sets the number of the row that appears at the top of the pane or worksheet.
  • 方法详细资料

    • activate

      boolean activate()
      Activates the pane.

      You cannot activate a frozen pane.

    • getIndex

      int getIndex()
      Returns a int value that represents the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects.
    • getScrollColumn

      int getScrollColumn()
      Returns the number of the leftmost column in the pane or worksheet. Read/write int.
    • setScrollColumn

      void setScrollColumn(int value)
      Sets the number of the leftmost column in the pane or worksheet. Read/write int.
    • getScrollRow

      int getScrollRow()
      Returns the number of the row that appears at the top of the pane or worksheet. Read/write int.
    • setScrollRow

      void setScrollRow(int value)
      Sets the number of the row that appears at the top of the pane or worksheet. Read/write int.