接口 IOutlineColumn

public interface IOutlineColumn
Represents the outline column for the worksheet.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getColumnIndex

      int getColumnIndex()
      Gets the column index, the column is displayed as a tree structure.
    • setColumnIndex

      void setColumnIndex(int value)
      Sets the column index, the column is displayed as a tree structure.
    • getShowImage

      boolean getShowImage()
      Gets whether to display the images.
    • setShowImage

      void setShowImage(boolean value)
      Sets whether to display the images.
    • getShowCheckBox

      boolean getShowCheckBox()
      Gets whether to display the checkbox.
    • setShowCheckBox

      void setShowCheckBox(boolean value)
      Sets whether to display the checkbox.
    • getShowIndicator

      boolean getShowIndicator()
      Gets whether to display the indicator.
    • setShowIndicator

      void setShowIndicator(boolean value)
      Sets whether to display the indicator.
    • getMaxLevel

      int getMaxLevel()
      Gets the the max row level. The default value is 10.
    • setMaxLevel

      void setMaxLevel(int value)
      Sets the the max row level.
    • getExpandIndicator

      ImageSource getExpandIndicator()
      Gets the expand indicator image.
    • setExpandIndicator

      void setExpandIndicator(ImageSource value)
      Sets the expand indicator image.
    • getCollapseIndicator

      ImageSource getCollapseIndicator()
      Gets the expand collapse image.
    • setCollapseIndicator

      void setCollapseIndicator(ImageSource value)
      Sets the expand collapse image.
    • setCheckStatus

      void setCheckStatus(int row, boolean checkStatus)
      Sets the check status of the row.
      row - The index of the row.
      checkStatus - The check status of the row.
    • getCheckStatus

      boolean getCheckStatus(int row)
      Gets the check status of the row.
      row - The index of the row.
      Whether the specified row is checked.
    • setCollapsed

      void setCollapsed(int row, boolean collapsed)
      Sets the collapsed of the row.
      row - The index of the row.
      collapsed - The collapsed of the row.
    • getCollapsed

      boolean getCollapsed(int row)
      Gets the collapsed of the row.
      row - The index of the row to get collapsed.
      Whether the specified row is collapsed.
    • refresh

      void refresh()
      Refreshes the outline column.