接口 IHPageBreak

public interface IHPageBreak
Represents the collection of vertical page breaks within the print area.
  • 方法概要

    Deletes the object.
    Returns the type of the specified page break: full-screen or only within a print area.
    Returns or sets the range that defines the page-break location.
  • 方法详细资料

    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the object.
    • getExtent

      PageBreakExtent getExtent()
      Returns the type of the specified page break: full-screen or only within a print area.
    • getLocation

      IRange getLocation()
      Returns or sets the range that defines the page-break location. Horizontal page breaks are aligned with the top edge of the location range; vertical page breaks are aligned with the left edge of the location range.