接口 IGraphic

public interface IGraphic
Represents the picture field included in the specified header or footer.
  • 方法概要

    Returns the path to the location where the specified source object was saved.
    Returns a Single value that represents the height, in points, of the object.
    True if the specified shape retains its original proportions when you resize it.
    Returns a Single value that represents the width, in points, of the object.
    Sets the path to the location where the specified source object was saved.
    Sets the InputStream to the location where the specified source object wassaved.
    setHeight(double value)
    Sets a Single value that represents the height, in points, of the object.
    setLockAspectRatio(boolean value)
    True if the specified shape retains its original proportions when you resize it.
    setWidth(double value)
    Sets a Single value that represents the width, in points, of the object.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getFilename

      String getFilename()
      Returns the path to the location where the specified source object was saved.
    • setFilename

      void setFilename(String value) throws FileNotFoundException
      Sets the path to the location where the specified source object was saved.
    • setGraphicStream

      void setGraphicStream(InputStream stream, ImageType imageType)
      Sets the InputStream to the location where the specified source object wassaved.
    • getHeight

      double getHeight()
      Returns a Single value that represents the height, in points, of the object.
    • setHeight

      void setHeight(double value)
      Sets a Single value that represents the height, in points, of the object.
    • getWidth

      double getWidth()
      Returns a Single value that represents the width, in points, of the object.
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(double value)
      Sets a Single value that represents the width, in points, of the object.
    • getLockAspectRatio

      boolean getLockAspectRatio()
      True if the specified shape retains its original proportions when you resize it. False if you can change the height and width of the shape independently of one another when you resize it.
    • setLockAspectRatio

      void setLockAspectRatio(boolean value)
      True if the specified shape retains its original proportions when you resize it. False if you can change the height and width of the shape independently of one another when you resize it.