接口 IFormulaOptions

public interface IFormulaOptions
Represents the options related to formula calculation, performance, and error handing.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getEnableIterativeCalculation

      boolean getEnableIterativeCalculation()
      Gets whether to enable iterative calculation.
    • setEnableIterativeCalculation

      void setEnableIterativeCalculation(boolean value)
      Sets whether to enable iterative calculation.
    • getMaximumIterations

      int getMaximumIterations()
      Gets the maximum iterations of iterative calculation.
    • setMaximumIterations

      void setMaximumIterations(int value)
      Sets the maximum iterations of iterative calculation.
    • getMaximumChange

      double getMaximumChange()
      Gets the maximum change of iterative calculation.
    • setMaximumChange

      void setMaximumChange(double value)
      Sets the maximum change of iterative calculation.