接口 IFormatColor

public interface IFormatColor
Represents the fill color specified for a threshold of a color scale conditional format or the color of the bar in a data bar conditional format.
  • 方法概要

    Returns the fill color associated with a threshold for a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.
    Returns the color index, specifying if the fill color is expressed as an index value in the current color palette.
    Returns one of the constants of the ColorSchemeIndex enumeration, specifying the theme color used in a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional format.
    Returns a Single that lightens or darkens the fill color of a cell for a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.
    setColor(Color value)
    Sets the fill color associated with a threshold for a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.
    setColorIndex(int value)
    Sets the color index, specifying if the fill color is expressed as an index value in the current color palette.
    Sets one of the constants of the ColorSchemeIndex enumeration, specifying the theme color used in a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional format.
    setTintAndShade(double value)
    Sets a Single that lightens or darkens the fill color of a cell for a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.
  • 方法详细资料

    • getColor

      Color getColor()
      Returns the fill color associated with a threshold for a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.
    • setColor

      void setColor(Color value)
      Sets the fill color associated with a threshold for a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.
    • getColorIndex

      int getColorIndex()
      Returns the color index, specifying if the fill color is expressed as an index value in the current color palette.
    • setColorIndex

      void setColorIndex(int value)
      Sets the color index, specifying if the fill color is expressed as an index value in the current color palette.
    • getThemeColor

      ThemeColor getThemeColor()
      Returns one of the constants of the ColorSchemeIndex enumeration, specifying the theme color used in a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional format.
    • setThemeColor

      void setThemeColor(ThemeColor value)
      Sets one of the constants of the ColorSchemeIndex enumeration, specifying the theme color used in a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional format.
    • getTintAndShade

      double getTintAndShade()
      Returns a Single that lightens or darkens the fill color of a cell for a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.
    • setTintAndShade

      void setTintAndShade(double value)
      Sets a Single that lightens or darkens the fill color of a cell for a threshold of a data bar or color scale conditional formatting rule.

      You can enter a number from -1 (darkest) to 1 (lightest) for the TintAndShade property. Zero (0) is neutral.