类 FindOptions


public class FindOptions extends Object
Wraps all optional parameters of the IRange.Find function.
  • 构造器详细资料

    • FindOptions

      public FindOptions()
  • 方法详细资料

    • getLookIn

      public final FindLookIn getLookIn()
      Get one of the FindLookIn enum.
    • setLookIn

      public final void setLookIn(FindLookIn value)
      Set one of the FindLookIn enum.
    • getLookAt

      public final LookAt getLookAt()
      Get one of the LookAt enum.
    • setLookAt

      public final void setLookAt(LookAt value)
      Set one of the LookAt enum.
    • getSearchOrder

      public final SearchOrder getSearchOrder()
      Get one of the SearchOrder enum.
    • setSearchOrder

      public final void setSearchOrder(SearchOrder value)
      Set one of the SearchOrder enum.
    • getSearchDirection

      public final SearchDirection getSearchDirection()
      Get the search direction. Can be one of the SearchDirection enum.
    • setSearchDirection

      public final void setSearchDirection(SearchDirection value)
      Set the search direction. Can be one of the SearchDirection enum.
    • getMatchCase

      public final boolean getMatchCase()
      Get the search case sensitive. The default value is False .
    • setMatchCase

      public final void setMatchCase(boolean value)
      Set the search case sensitive. The default value is False .
    • getMatchByte

      public final boolean getMatchByte()
      Get MatchByte way. True to have double-byte characters match only double-byte characters. False to have double-byte characters match their single-byte equivalents.
    • setMatchByte

      public final void setMatchByte(boolean value)
      Set MatchByte way. True to have double-byte characters match only double-byte characters. False to have double-byte characters match their single-byte equivalents.
    • getSearchFormat

      public final IDisplayFormat getSearchFormat()
      Get the search format. The default value is null.
    • setSearchFormat

      public final void setSearchFormat(IDisplayFormat value)
      Set the search format. The default value is null.