类 CsvOpenOptions


public class CsvOpenOptions extends OpenOptionsBase
Option class for opening csv file.
  • 构造器详细资料

    • CsvOpenOptions

      public CsvOpenOptions()
  • 方法详细资料

    • getConvertNumericData

      public final boolean getConvertNumericData()
      Gets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to numeric data, default is true.
    • setConvertNumericData

      public final void setConvertNumericData(boolean value)
      Sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to numeric data.
    • getConvertDateTimeData

      public final boolean getConvertDateTimeData()
      Gets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to date data, default is true.
    • setConvertDateTimeData

      public final void setConvertDateTimeData(boolean value)
      Sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to date data.
    • getColumnSeparator

      public final String getColumnSeparator()
      Gets column separator.
    • setColumnSeparator

      public final void setColumnSeparator(String value)
      Sets a string value as column separator.
    • getRowSeparator

      public final String getRowSeparator()
      Gets row separator.
    • setRowSeparator

      public final void setRowSeparator(String value)
      Sets a string value as row separator.
    • getCellSeparator

      public final char getCellSeparator()
      Gets cell separator.
    • setCellSeparator

      public final void setCellSeparator(char value)
      Sets a char value as cell separator.
    • setSeparatorString

      @Deprecated public final void setSeparatorString(String value)
      setSeparatorString is deprecated, use setColumnSeparator.
      Sets a string value as column separator.
    • getSeparatorString

      @Deprecated public final String getSeparatorString()
      getSeparatorString is deprecated, use getColumnSeparator.
      Gets column separator.
    • getEncoding

      public final String getEncoding()
      Gets the default encoding, default is utf-8.
    • setEncoding

      public final void setEncoding(String value)
      Sets the default encoding, default is utf-8.
    • getParseStyle

      public final boolean getParseStyle()
      Indicates whether to apply style for parsed values when converting string value to number or datetime, default is true.
    • setParseStyle

      public final void setParseStyle(boolean value)
      Indicates whether to apply style for parsed values when converting string value to number or datetime, default is true.
    • getHasFormula

      public final boolean getHasFormula()
      Indicates whether the text is formula if it starts with "=", default is true.
    • setHasFormula

      public final void setHasFormula(boolean value)
      Indicates whether the text is formula if it starts with "=", default is true.
    • getParser

      public ICsvParser getParser()
      Gets the custom parser.
    • setParser

      public void setParser(ICsvParser parser)
      Sets the custom parser.