类 ComboBoxCellType


public class ComboBoxCellType extends BaseCellType
Represents an editable combo box cell.
  • 构造器详细资料

    • ComboBoxCellType

      public ComboBoxCellType()
  • 方法详细资料

    • getMaxDropDownItems

      public int getMaxDropDownItems()
      Gets the maximum item count of the drop-down list per page.
    • setMaxDropDownItems

      public void setMaxDropDownItems(int value)
      Sets the maximum item count of the drop-down list per page.
    • getEditable

      public boolean getEditable()
      Gets whether the combo box is editable.
    • setEditable

      public void setEditable(boolean value)
      Sets whether the combo box is editable.
    • getEditorValueType

      public EditorValueType getEditorValueType()
      Gets the value that is written to the underlying data model.
    • setEditorValueType

      public void setEditorValueType(EditorValueType value)
      Sets the value that is written to the underlying data model.
    • getItemHeight

      public int getItemHeight()
      Gets the height of each item.
    • setItemHeight

      public void setItemHeight(int value)
      Sets the height of each item.