类 ButtonCellType


public class ButtonCellType extends BaseCellType
Represents a button cell.
  • 构造器详细资料

    • ButtonCellType

      public ButtonCellType()
  • 方法详细资料

    • getText

      public String getText()
      Gets the button's content.
    • setText

      public void setText(String value)
      Sets the button's content.
    • getButtonBackColor

      public String getButtonBackColor()
      Gets the button's background color.
    • setButtonBackColor

      public void setButtonBackColor(String value)
      Sets the button's background color.
    • getMarginLeft

      public double getMarginLeft()
      Gets the button's left margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    • setMarginLeft

      public void setMarginLeft(double value)
      Sets the button's left margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    • getMarginRight

      public double getMarginRight()
      Gets the button's right margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    • setMarginRight

      public void setMarginRight(double value)
      Sets the button's right margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    • getMarginTop

      public double getMarginTop()
      Gets the button's top margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    • setMarginTop

      public void setMarginTop(double value)
      Sets the button's top margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    • getMarginBottom

      public double getMarginBottom()
      Gets the button's bottom margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    • setMarginBottom

      public void setMarginBottom(double value)
      Sets the button's bottom margin in pixels relative to the cell.