Wijmo UI for the Web
wijmo.grid Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
cellInfo An object that represents a single cell.
cellInfoOrderedCollection An ordered read-only collection of wijmo.grid.cellInfo objects
cellInfoRange An object that specifies a range of cells determined by two cells.
selection An object that represents selection in the grid. You do not need to create instances of this class.
IAfterCellEditEventArgs Provides data for the afterCellEdit event of the wijgrid.
IAfterCellUpdateEventArgs Provides data for the afterCellUpdate event of the wijgrid.
IBaseCellEditEventArgs Provides data for the editing events of the wijgrid.
IBeforeCellEditEventArgs Provides data for the beforeCellEdit event of the wijgrid.
IBeforeCellUpdateEventArgs Provides data for the beforeCellUpdate event of the wijgrid.
IButtonCommandEventArgs Provides data for the click event of a command buttons.
IC1BandOptions Represents options of a class which is used to create multilevel column headers.
IC1BaseFieldCellFormatterArgs Provides data for the cellFormater option of the column.
IC1BaseFieldOptions Represents options of the base class for all fields.
IC1BtnFieldBaseOptions Represents options of the base class for all button fields.
IC1BtnFieldOptions Represents options of a field that displays a command button.
IC1CommandBtnFieldOptions Represents options of a field that displays command buttons to perform editing and deleting operations.
IC1FieldOptions Represents options of a class for for all data-bound fields.
ICellClickedEventArgs Provides data for the cellClicked event of the wijgrid.
ICellStyleFormaterArgs Provides data for the cellStyleFormatter option of the wijgrid.
IColumn Combines all of the available options
IColumnDraggedEventArgs Provides data for the columnDragged event of the wijgrid.
IColumnDraggingEventArgs Provides data for the columnDragging event of the wijgrid.
IColumnDroppedEventArgs Provides data for the columnDropped event of the wijgrid.
IColumnDroppingEventArgs Provides data for the columnDropping event of the wijgrid.
IColumnGroupedEventArgs Provides data for the columnGrouped event of the wijgrid.
IColumnGroupingEventArgs Provides data for the columnGrouping event of the wijgrid.
IColumnResizedEventArgs Provides data for the columnResized event of the wijgrid.
IColumnResizingEventArgs Provides data for the columnResizing event of the wijgrid.
IColumnUngroupedEventArgs Provides data for the columnUngrouped event of the wijgrid.
IColumnUngroupingEventArgs Provides data for the columnUngrouping event of the wijgrid.
ICommandButton Represents options of the command button. Allows button look customization and track mouse click on it.
ICurrentCellChangingEventArgs Provides data for the currentCellChanging event of the wijgrid.
IDataParser Data converter that is able to translate values from a string representation to column data type and back.
IFilteredEventArgs Provides data for the filtered event of the wijgrid.
IFilteringEventArgs Provides data for the filtering event of the wijgrid.
IFilterOperator Represents a filter operator.
IFilterOperatorsListShowingEventArgs Provides data for the filterOperatorsListShowing event of the wijgrid.
IGroupAggregateEventArgs Provides data for the groupAggregate event of the wijgrid.
IGroupInfo Used to customize the appearance and position of groups.
IGroupTextEventArgs Provides data for the groupText event of the wijgrid.
IInvalidCellValueEventArgs Provides data for the invalidCellValue event of the wijgrid.
IPageIndexChangedEventArgs Provides data for the pageIndexChanged event of the wijgrid.
IPageIndexChangingEventArgs Provides data for the pageIndexChanging event of the wijgrid.
IPagerSettings Represents a pager settings.
IRowInfo Represents an information about a row of the wijgrid.
ISelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the selectionChanged event of the wijgrid.
ISortedEventArgs Provides data for the sorted event of the wijgrid.
ISortingEventArgs Provides data for the sorting event of the wijgrid.
Browser Compatibility

See Also


Wijmo API



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