// This code results in bars with data for three countries stacked to fill 100% of the chart area, with each
// series in a different color representing its percentage of the total.
stacked: true,
is100Percent: true,
seriesList: [{
label: "US",
legendEntry: true,
data: { x: ['PS3', 'XBOX360', 'Wii'], y: [12.35, 21.50, 30.56] }
}, {
label: "Japan",
legendEntry: true,
data: { x: ['PS3', 'XBOX360', 'Wii'], y: [4.58, 1.23, 9.67] }
}, {
label: "Other",
legendEntry: true,
data: { x: ['PS3', 'XBOX360', 'Wii'], y: [31.59, 37.14, 65.32] }