Wijmo UI for the Web

The wijinput widgets allow you to create masked, numeric, percentage, currency and date inputs, depending on the type of data users need to enter. The wijinputnumber widget can convert an input element into three different types of input: numeric, currency, or percentage.

The wijinput widgets are created by the jquery.wijmo.wijinputcore.js, jquery.wijmo.wijinputdate.js, jquery.wijmo.wijinputmask.js, and jquery.wijmo.wijinputnumber.js libraries. The jquery.wijmo.wijinputcore.js library is a sharable base library which needs to be linked before each input’s widget library.

In this section

Quick Start

Main Elements

Markup And Scripting

InputNumber Concepts

Note: Check the Version Histories for an outline of new features, improvements, and changes to the Wijmo widgets.

See Also



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