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Using Wijmo with AngularJS

Wijmo now supports AngularJS, a lightweight MVW JavaScript framework, allowing you to easily create and maintain a dynamically changing UI. You can use AngularJS in addition to jQuery to enhance your pages with an underlying data model.

Be sure to check out our AngularJS basic demo or our AngularJS collections demo where you can explore how to use the Wijmo widgets with AngularJS. For a full AngularJS introduction, tutorials, documentation, and more, visit

You can easily use AngularJS with Wijmo by following a few steps:

  1. Add references to the latest jQuery dependencies, Angular .js file, Wijmo widgets, and AngularJS extension library for Wijmo.
  2. Create a Controller
  3. Create the markup.

Getting Started

To get started, take a look at the following samples. Each will show you how to add references to the required files, create the Controller, and create the markup.

Textbox, Slider, and Gauge Sample

In this example, we'll create a text box, slider, and gauge that are bound together so that when the value of one element is changed, the other elements update accordingly.

1. Add Library References

2. Create the Controller

3. Create the Markup

Chart, Grid, and Table Sample

In this example, we'll create a project that includes a Chart, Grid, and Table that are bound together so that when one item in the Grid is changed, the other widgets update accordingly.

1. Add Library References

2. Create the Model and the Controller

3. Create the Markup

See Also

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