
页面报表和 RDL报表可以通过文件路径从您的文件系统中提取资源,但有时资源是一种非常特殊的形式,比如数据库。在 RDL 报表中,您可以创建自定义资源定位器,从任意位置读取任意资源供您的报表使用,比如:图像,主题文件,钻取链接报表、子报表或基准报表。


您可以通过从 ResourceLocator 类派生并重写 GetResource 方法来实现自定义资源定位器。

GetResource 方法返回 ParentUri 和 Value 属性。Value 包含定位到资源的内容流, ParentUri 属性包含层次结构资源中父级资源的 URI 字符串。

下面是使用 GetResource 方法的示例。

用 C# 代码实现 GetResource 方法

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Globalization;

using System.IO;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Text;

using GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility;

using GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Samples.CustomResourceLocator.Properties;

namespace GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Samples.CustomResourceLocator


    /// Implementation of ResourceLocator which looks for resources in the My Pictures folder.

    internal sealed class MyPicturesLocator : ResourceLocator


        private const string UriSchemeMyImages = "MyPictures:";

        /// Obtains and returns the resource, or returns null if it is not found.

        public override Resource GetResource(ResourceInfo resourceInfo)


            Resource resource;

            string name = resourceInfo.Name;

            if (name == null || name.Length == 0)


                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ResourceNameIsNull, "name");


            Uri uri = new Uri(name);

            if (uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Scheme).StartsWith(UriSchemeMyImages, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))


                Stream stream = GetPictureFromSpecialFolder(uri);

                if (stream == null)


                    stream = new MemoryStream();

                    Resources.NoImage.Save(stream, Resources.NoImage.RawFormat);


                resource = new Resource(stream, uri);




                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.ResourceSchemeIsNotSupported);


            return resource;


        /// Returns a stream containing the specified image from the My Pictures folder, or null if the picture is not found.

                /// The path parameter is the URI of the image located in My Pictures, e.g. MyImages:logo.gif

        private static Stream GetPictureFromSpecialFolder(Uri path)


            int startPathPos = UriSchemeMyImages.Length;

            if (startPathPos >= path.ToString().Length)


                return null;


            string pictureName = path.ToString().Substring(startPathPos);

            string myPicturesPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures);

            if (!myPicturesPath.EndsWith("\\")) myPicturesPath += "\\";

             string picturePath = Path.Combine(myPicturesPath, pictureName);

            if (!File.Exists(picturePath)) return null;

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();



                Image picture = Image.FromFile(picturePath);

                picture.Save(stream, picture.RawFormat);

                stream.Position = 0;



                        /// The file is not a valid image, or GDI+ doesn't support the image type.


                return null;                           



                        /// The image can't be saved.


                return null;


            return stream;





用 Visual Basic .NET 代码实现 GetResource 用法

Imports GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility

Imports System.Globalization

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class MyPicturesLocator

    Inherits ResourceLocator

    Const UriSchemeMyImages As String = "MyPictures:"

    ' Obtains and returns the resource, or null if it is not found.

        ' The resourceInfo parameter contains the information about the resource to obtain.

    Public Overrides Function GetResource(ByVal resourceInfo As ResourceInfo) As Resource

        Dim resource As Resource

        Dim name As String = resourceInfo.Name


        If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) Then

            Throw New ArgumentException(My.Resources.ResourceNameIsNull, "name")

        End If

        Dim uri As New Uri(name)

        If (Uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Scheme).StartsWith(UriSchemeMyImages, True, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) Then

            Dim stream As Stream = GetPictureFromSpecialFolder(uri)

            If (stream Is Nothing) Then

                stream = New MemoryStream()

                My.Resources.NoImage.Save(stream, My.Resources.NoImage.RawFormat)

            End If

            resource = New Resource(stream, uri)


            Throw New InvalidOperationException(My.Resources.ResourceSchemeIsNotSupported)

        End If

        Return resource

    End Function

    Function GetPictureFromSpecialFolder(ByVal path As Uri) As Stream

        Dim startPathPos As Integer = UriSchemeMyImages.Length

        If (startPathPos >= path.ToString().Length) Then

            Return Nothing

        End If

        Dim pictureName As String = path.ToString().Substring(startPathPos)

        Dim myPicturesPath As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures)

        If (Not myPicturesPath.EndsWith("\\")) Then

            myPicturesPath += "\\"

        End If

        Dim picturePath As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(myPicturesPath, pictureName)

        If (Not File.Exists(picturePath)) Then

            Return Nothing

        End If

        Dim stream As New MemoryStream()


            Dim picture As Image = Image.FromFile(picturePath)

            picture.Save(stream, picture.RawFormat)

            stream.Position = 0

        Catch ex As OutOfMemoryException

                ' The file is not a valid image, or GDI+ doesn't support the image type.

            Return Nothing

        Catch ex As ExternalException

                ' The image can't be saved.

            Return Nothing

        End Try

        Return stream

    End Function

End Class



随产品一块安装的 Samples 文件夹中,您可以找到自定义资源定位器示例:

C:\Users\用户名\Documents\GrapeCity Samples\ActiveReports 9\Page Reports\RDL\API\C#\CustomResourceLocator